When the opportunity comes ...
What's the desicion??? Recently, I have attended a walk-in-interview with these company in Cyberjaya ... I made it through if that's how I should describe it for I have been given the opportunity to talk to the MD's of the company for my 2nd interview...Unfortunately, there are lots of thing getting in the way - Most of it, is from my own self ... Accommodation, my parent so far away, the environment itself and due to my undecided state of mind I did a prayer to conclude all of these ... Should I pursuit my career with the company or just turn them down?? ... So, I got my dream and it's not a very good one ... I come to my decision to terminate my interview with them ... Without even noting them and keep them waiting for me ... Yeah, that was stupid and irresponsible (I know!) ... They called me later on, and express their disappointment towards my behavior ... Yes, guilty as charge! That's how I find myself ... With a totally full taste of guilt build up in me .....