The best Syawal ever in my life.... =) Eventhough balik nanti macam2 bende nak kena pk...hurm, i take this as the remedy before i get into the crazy situation...hikhik

Here Comes our 1st Syawal dishes ... ermmm...looks like sangatla pedas tapi tak de pun, teknik pencahayaan yang over jer tuh....akakakakaka... Ini namanya masak samah...ala, lebih kurang cam ayam masak merah tapi rasa lain la jugak....erm...ia dimakan dengan nasi dal ... yang tu pic yang seterusnyer

Erm....gambo terkecik laks...anyway, semua adala...nasi dal, nasi bukhari, putu mayam...But all of the dishes kena ikut Penang style ler...kalau JB sytle, maybe akan ada lontong, lodeh, laksa Johor...Tahun depan kiter beraya di Johor pulak,okey? =)

Here comes my eldest brother, Zaki ... Huhu ...

Hurm, yang ni my 3rd brother! Yang paling laser gitu...hahaha...tapi dia okey...

Unfortunately, abg aku yang kedua tak beraya dengan kitorang tahun ni...dia beraya kat umah family sebelah 'wife'nya...So, tak de la pic utk 1st Syawal.

Our house full giler masa 1st raya...semua family members datang ke rumah abg yang sulung(my father la) ... One of my pakcik's idea jugak...since, my grandfather and grandmother are no longer here, so he decided to spent the 1st raya the whole family at the eldest brother's house...hurmm, niceeee...So, in that way, we can still meet whenever hari splitting! =)

My Niece and My Nephew ... Lidiya & Aniq ...


HeRe CoMeS ThE PaiR ;)

THE COUSY! DaH BeSaU2 DaH SeMuA ... HuHu

HuH! WhO's That GuRl??? =)

Me WiT My BeStFwEn in PeNaNg!

Gamba tak cukup orang...huh! =P


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