5 Movie Romantic yang aku suka giler!


My all time favourite...

"The book of love has music in it
In fact that's where music comes from
Some of it is just transcendental
Some of it is just really dumb
But I
I love it when you sing to me
And you
You can sing me anything..."

Love that song very much... =)

Expect the unexpected....Most Sweet and adorable movie...lurve the coincindence that happened between them in I can say weird manner...but, it is just soooo sweeettt..

First movie I watched in cinema together with my eldest brother and my sis-in-law but they not married yet that time...haha...funny when to think of why am I followed them...Jealous maybe, he finally find someone special...all the special treat will trasmitted from me to his girlfriend...Tak Mau...tak mau...hehehe...bad lil-sista...ngeeee~ but unexpectedly, I can blend well with her...Doh~ =P ... In fact, we sooooo damn close!

Hahaha...not yet watched but I'm looking forward to watch it...Perhaps it could be my next favourite romantic movie...That guy is cute thou but a lil bit fierce I guess with that kind of look...really scared me.


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