Farewell Two Thousand & Ten

Wow, beberapa jam saja lagi akan bertukarlah tahun 2010 ke 2011 =D
Today, nak soseh2 about my 2010 ... Though, nothing special actually happened in this year. Sad, but true...

My 2010 wasn't a very good year I guess. It's neither worst. Perhaps it's a fair year for me. My 2010 it's all about farewell. Farewell to my study life, farewell to my University, farewell to my touch rugby girls, farewell to my course mate and Geng 9 friends, farewell to Kuala Lumpur, and lots more. 

Oh, dear ... Not a brilliant year, isn't it?


Masih ada yang best! Sebagai contoh, my convocation in October. That one is brilliant enough for me. Apart from that.....ar, apart from that....hurmmmm.... 

Okay, as for the most stupid thing that I did in this year is definitely rejecting my one and only opportunity to get a job and finally feels financially secure (tanpa menyusahkan orang lain) ... sigh~! Tapi bak kata orang Melayu, tak ada rezeki or ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian. (yeah,right.)


So, I guess that's it peeps ... Banyak pengalaman, tekanan dan pengajaran yang diperolehi sepanjang tahun ini. I'am a strong women, always try to be ... So, InsyaALLAH everything will turn out right next year ... Dan mudah-mudahan kesabaran (memang sangat bergelut dengan emosi diri sendiri) di tahun ini akan terbayar kesemuanya di tahun hadapan. InsyaALLAH. ALLAH always with me. 

Sedang orang memandang rendah kepada kita, I will always keep in mind HE will never judge ... So, kembali kepada DIA untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih baik.

Okay, sebagai penutup tahun 2010 ni ... nah! This song goes to all of you (^^, .... SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2011 !!!! 

Alright, Till  then,


Goodluck making 2010 a better year! Be stronger in mind, body and soul k :)
2010 or 2011???

huhuhu ... I will try making the best out of next year (^^,

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