"Jealous? Me? ... NEVER!"

Dramatic giler tajuk, ek? hahaha ... Okay, let's brief on the main topic "JEALOUSY"

According to wikipidea, what is jealousy exactly???

Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, sadness, and disgust.

So, do you have any of this emotion comes up when you dealing with someone in some circumstances??? As for me, hehehe - OF COURSE-lah ADA but i never truly make it so obvious-lah ... but it's nothing much, all about study - compete with my friends siapa dapat result paling tinggi ... That's all - is it??? =p

Okay, reminisce time!

When i was in relationship with my ex, i don't really feel the jealousy comes to me whenever he talked about other girls ... So, i should say maybe i don't have those insecure feeling when i'm with him (budget dia akan stay foreverlah =p) but then, when it comes to only one girl it did pop-up my jealousy and it means real big jealousy ... When it is a real big jealousy i don't have the strength to control it but i will never let it out on him but i will do it on her ... Mostly, apa ek yang aku akan cakap?? I will say anything yang all are opposite from what she say - still, some people just don't get it when people mad at them (buat dek je - ke aku yang menyampaikan kenyataan yang tak berapa nak sampai ... haha)

Alright, but nowadays what is more important is to be patient ... Kalau pun ada yang menegur bf or fiancee or husband or vice versa kamu-kamu sekalian, it doesn't mean diorang tu chenta dengan pasangan kamu itu ... So, chill!
Kemungkinan sikap kamu yang terlalu suspicious itu akan merimaskan pasangan dan lagi membuka mata dia dengan luas yang dia patut cari orang lain ... setuju???

Aku dah mendalami perasaan jeles dalam berkawan, berkekasih dan pelajaran ... korang?

So, want to hear a story??? But it was an old story-lah, back in 2000 and it happened in 2004 also ... Friendship Jealousy

Masa sekolah dulu saya mempunyai seorang teman baik. Saya suka kawan dengan dia sebab kami sama satu kepala tapi kami bukan kembar cuma kami selalu berkongsi idea yang sama, selera yang sama dan lain-lain. Dengan itu, saya sangat 'treasure' dia tapi tiba-tiba datang orang ketiga yang memporak-perandakan persahabatan kami. Disebabkan kehadiran orang ketiga ni, kami tidak lagi rapat. Keadaan itu berlarutan hampir setahun setengah tapi akhirnya kami dapat membetulkan diri masing-masing dan kembali berkawan tapi pada masa itu kami sudah hampir tamat zaman persekolahan. Walauapapun, kami tetap menghubungi satu sama lain.

hehehehe...i just don't get it me that time. Apakah? jeles orang nak berkawan dengan kawan baik aku ... Maybe i don't like sharing everything that i had =p

Citer jeles kedua ... Relationship jealousy =p

I don't think i should put it in here or should i? No-lah, it might hurt somebody ... So, let me keep it to myself ... =p

Citer jeles ketiga ... Study jelaousy

Yang ni always happen to me...the eager to be number one among my friends always burning in me that's how this kind of jealousy come out ... Masa sekolah rendah, i don't really gud at math, i once HATE MATH! - but now, me loike it =p ... My best subject that time was english ... So, i won't let anybody beat me in english but then my friend yang terer giler math ni, she beat me! - AKU SANGAT MARAH!!! - what i did is, i beat her back but not in English but in Math ... Sekali tu jela aku berjaya beat dia in Math - perlukan kekuatan mental dan fizikal yang kuat okay, untuk aku beat dia dalam subjek yang tak bape aku mahir but one satisfaction there. =D

So, as for the conslusion ... Kalau jealous tu dengan cara dan dalam perkara yang baik tak apa, janganlah jealous lepas tu nak buat benda yang bukan2 and jealous tanpa sebab ... Kalau dalam perhubungan for example, ko tak puas hati dengan dia mendapat pakwe hensem, berjaya and HE'S ALL THAT-lah , ko pergi kacau pulak pakwe dia, tak baik busuk hati kat orang ... That's not how we deal with jealousy ... Jealousy should make us be a better person ... Beat them in other way - cam aku buat dulu (tapi tu dalam case studylah) ... Kalau involve relationship tu, what if berdoa je minta dipertemukan dengan orang yang lebih baik daripada itu ... Itu lagi elok daripada nak merosakkan rumahtangga orang, tak gitu????? =D

Jealousy can be your deepest enemy and can also be something good to boost your way of living your life, so which one do you want it to be?? It's all up to you.

Okay dengar lagu utk cool down ... hehe

Alrite, till then...


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